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EASE International Congress at the ESI

EASE International Congress at the ESI

International Congress at the Higher School of Informatics of Ciudad Real

On May 14 and 15, 2012, the "16th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering" (EASE 2012) will be held at the Escuela Superior de Informática (ESI) in Ciudad Real, organized by professors Mario Piattini, Marcela Genero and José Antonio Cruz-Lemus and other members of the Alarcos Research Group.

EASE 2012 is a conference on topics related to the evaluation of software technologies with the purpose of contributing to obtaining quality software. Some of the topics that will be covered in this edition include the following: systematic reviews of the literature, experiments, qualitative studies, estimation and empirical software engineering.

In addition to 40 papers selected after a rigorous review process, there will be the presence of two prestigious guest speakers, Professor Dieter Rombach (Executive Director of the Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)) and Professor Helen Sharp (Open University, UK).

The international visibility of this conference is reflected by the presence of attendees from different parts of the world such as Norway, Sweden, Holland, England, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Pakistan, China and Brazil, as well as Spain.

On Monday, May 14, the inauguration of this conference will take place in the ESI Assembly Hall at 9:15 am.

More information about EASE 2012 can be found at

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