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Study Rules

student representation

Other regulations

Student evaluation regulations

The purpose of this regulation is to regulation of the teaching guides, the regimen and the evaluation systems, the scheduling of tests, the publicity of the qualifications and the procedures for reviewing and claiming qualifications which will be applicable to all official Bachelor's and Master's degree courses taught by the University of Castilla - La Mancha.

Important: According to the criteria established by the ESI, point 1 of article 7 of the student evaluation regulations will be interpreted as follows: It will be considered as "assessment test" exclusively the performance of partial tests and progress tests.

Regulations of Permanence in the degree

La Permanence regulations was born in order to take advantage of the means that are made available to students. After two years of implementation, there is a need to modify it, making it more flexible, increasing the maximum time to obtain the degree and modifying the system of calls in case of not presenting the exam.

The regulations can be summarized as:

  • Students may enroll in Bachelor's and Master's studies full-time (TC) or part-time (TP). The chosen system will be maintained throughout the academic year and may be modified in subsequent courses.
  • The enrollment of any subject will include, for evaluation purposes, two calls within the academic year in which the enrollment is formalized.
  • TC students, in the first year of the Degree, may enroll for a number of credits, not greater than 60 nor less than 48 ECTS credits. From the second year and later, it cannot be higher than 72 or lower than 48, unless the student is in his last year.
  • TP students, in the first year of the Degree, must enroll for 30 ECTS credits. In the second and subsequent years, the number of credits that students enroll in will not be less than 48 and equal to or greater than 24, unless the student is in their last year.
  • Master's to TC students will enroll in the first year of 60 credits and TP students of a minimum of 30 credits. Master's students will enroll in the second year and later, with a minimum of 6 credits for those with a part-time dedication regime and a minimum of 12 credits for those with a full-time dedication, unless they have a lower number of credits to complete the studies.
  • The student must enroll in the pending subjects to overcome from previous courses.
  • The maximum limit of permanence in undergraduate studies will be a maximum of 8 years (TC) and 12 (TP).
  • Students enrolled in the first year will have to pass 6 ECTS credits in order to continue their studies.
  • Students will have 6 calls to pass each subject.
  • The University will promote the adequacy of the enrollment and permanence regulations for students with disabilities, assessing each specific case and adopting the appropriate measures. 

Subjects not passed in the previous compulsory enrollment course

The Regulations for Progress and Permanence in Undergraduate and Master's studies at the University of Castilla La Mancha incorporate, in general, the non-compulsory nature of the enrollment of the subjects pending from the previous year, except for those subjects corresponding to basic or compulsory subjects that The teaching center has been determined for each degree, taking into account exceptional circumstances that justify it. In this case, the enrollment cannot be formalized without this requirement being met.

In compliance with article 5.4 and 5.5 of said regulations, on February 23, 2022, the School Board of the School of Informatics agreed to approve the following list of subjects that must be enrolled in the Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering:

  • Fundamentals of Programming I (First Year, First Semester)
  • Fundamentals of Programming II (First Year, Second Semester)
  • Computer Structure (First Year, Second Semester)
  • Computer Networks I (First Course, Second Semester)

Credit recognition and transfer regulations

Credit recognition is understood as the acceptance by the UCLM of the credits that, having been obtained in official courses at this or another university, are computed in a different one for the purposes of obtaining an official degree. Likewise, the credits completed in other official higher education or in university education leading to the obtaining of other degrees, referred to in the article RD 43/2015 modifies Art. 13, section a), of the RD 1393/2007.

In general and summarized, the following is established in relation to recognition of credits:

"As long as the title to which it is intended to access belongs to the same branch of knowledge, at least 15 percent of the credits corresponding to the basic training subjects of said branch will be recognized".

More informationUCLM website