HomeGeneralApril 3 – Brais Moure: 13 senior advice I would give to my junior self

April 3 – Brais Moure: 13 senior advice I would give to my junior self

Brais Moure at the Higher School of Informatics

April 3 – Brais Moure: 13 senior advice I would give to my junior self

On Wednesday, April 3, at 11.30:XNUMX a.m., in the Alan Turing assembly hall, we will be able to enjoy the conference given by Brais Moure, titled: 13 Senior Advice I Would Give to My Junior Self. Brais himself encourages you to attend through the following video:

Description of the talk

After 13 years working as a software developer... What have I learned? I wish I could go back in time to make things easier for my beardless self. Wait... What if I share it with people who are just starting out? This is a review of 13 erroneous beliefs that we usually have about the sector, and how a different approach can help us make a difference.  

Place and time
Higher School of Informatics, Paseo de la Universidad, 4 (Ciudad Real). Wednesday, April 3, in the Alan Turing assembly hall from 11.30:13 a.m. to XNUMX p.m.

Brais Moure CV

Brais Moure, known as MoureDev, has been a software engineer since 2010. In 2015 he created his company as a freelancer, developing more than 150 applications and working on different national and international projects, as well as launching his own personal projects. Since 2018, apart from his work as a developer, he disseminates and shares content about programming and software development, with a community of more than a million followers on different networks. His main objective is to democratize study within the Spanish-speaking community. Brais is a Microsoft MVP, GitHub Star and his book has reached number 1 on Amazon Spain. 

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