HomeGeneralInauguration of the 25th anniversary of Higher Studies

Inauguration of the 25th anniversary of Higher Studies

Authorities, directors and rectors on the 25th anniversary of the esi

Inauguration of the 25th anniversary of Higher Studies

Today, February 7, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Higher Studies in Computer Engineering began. A celebration that will last throughout the month of February. The programing has begun today in the academic center itself with an institutional event chaired by the rector of the UCLM, Julián Garde, which has brought together authorities, former rectors, former directors of the School, graduates, representatives of professional associations and businessmen, and which has allowed review the history of a center that has achieved great success as a result of the effort, excellence and professionalism of those who have worked and work in it, as has been revealed throughout the event.

The director of the ESI has assured the media that the arrival of Computer Engineering at the UCLM “allowed the retention of technical engineers – until 1998 the Technical Engineering degrees in Systems Computing and Management Computing were taught- and “It prevented them from leaving the region to continue higher education and specialize.” “In addition, he promoted research and innovation in IT, and contributed to the development of IT companies in the region and the IT departments of companies in other sectors,” he stated.

Bravo recalled that today IT is at a time of maximum attention due to the number of advances that are being produced by computer technology and the strength of the sector in terms of growth and expansion, and the demand for specialized talent. . Hence, during the events scheduled for this 25th anniversary, highly topical areas of IT development such as generative artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data engineering and science, cloud services, virtual and augmented reality will be the protagonists. or the role of IT in sustainability and the environment, among others.

In his speech, the rector congratulated the Higher School of Informatics for its 25 years of “success” and for its “contribution” to the University of Castilla-La Mancha. In these five decades, 1185 people have graduated from the School, of which 678 have done so in Computer Engineering, and only 18% are women, which is why I have alluded to the effort that must continue to be made to attract female talent to the area of ​​STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Likewise, Garde has referred to the “investigative power” of the ESI. Since its creation, the School has managed to raise more than 35 million euros in research projects. Specifically, more than 450 projects have been signed with companies for an amount greater than 11 million euros, which also demonstrates the “transfer power” of the center.  

Programming Languages 

After the institutional event, the activities began with conferences given by a male and female graduate from the first and second class of Computer Engineering, Alfonso Martínez and María Teresa García-Madrid, respectively; who have conveyed to the public their success stories and current responsibilities. 

El SCHEDULE It is completed with three sessions open to the entire society that will be held at the Antiguo Casino of Ciudad Real on February 15, 22 and 29, and in which current issues and social impact will be discussed in a conference and round table format. by expert professors from the Higher School of Informatics and debate with the public. 

Also, for younger people and families, a demonstration space has been planned in the courtyard of the Antiguo Casino (February 22 and 29, at 17.30:XNUMX p.m.) that will allow them to get closer to some of the computer technologies typical of the discipline, such as glasses virtual/augmented reality, motion recognition systems, body sensors, the Smart ESI system (a smart school demonstrator), generative AI-based agents, quantum computing simulators, etc. 

UCLM Communication Office. Ciudad Real, February 7, 2024 [News on]

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