HomeTeachingNew Academic Program – PARS: Degree + Master

New Academic Program – PARS: Degree + Master

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New Academic Program – PARS: Degree + Master

The student body of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) will have the possibility of opting for the academic program with successive course (PARS) that the institution offers and that enables the consecutive completion of the Degree and Master's Degree in Computer Engineering.

The UCLM includes in its offer the Academic Programs with Successive Courses (PARS), which link a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree oriented to professional specialization, maintaining their differentiation and structural independence. They do not constitute a new degree, but a curricular itinerary that allows the two degrees to be taken consecutively so that, once the studies are finished, they can obtain both degrees. They are regulated by the Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, 2021, which establishes the organization of university education and the quality assurance procedure and the UCLM developed the regulation that regulates them.

Through this PARS, the ESI more closely integrates its official Bachelor's and Master's programs in Computer Engineering, allowing students who have not yet finished their degree but are close to doing so to enroll and take the Master's. This makes it possible to optimize the time dedicated to training and to begin Master's studies while completing the Degree. In this way, the complete higher level training cycle formed by the Degree and the Master is narrowed with this better harmony between both titles.

Advantages of enrollment in a PARS:

  1.  They offer the possibility of taking the Master's Degree consecutively.
  2. They allow access to official University Master's studies without having passed the linked Degree associated with PARS when they remain to complete a maximum of 30 ECTS credits (including the final degree project -TFG-).
  3. When selecting the registration in the PARS of the UCLM, the obligation to study the Master is not acquired.
  4. You can leave the PARS at any time, whether you are enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree or the Master's Degree.
  5. Most of these academic programs also include professional qualification to which the titles linked to the regulated professions taught at the UCLM can lead.

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