HomeGeneralParticipatory democracy 2022

Participatory democracy 2022

Participatory democracy in esi

Participatory democracy 2022

As part of the ESI Budget for the year 2022, we propose a procedure for the election through participatory democracy of a project (or several) for a total amount of €3.000, similar to last year.

This announcement corresponds to the phase of launch of the initiative (phase 1), which gives way to submission of proposals (phase 2) by the ESI community using the form Submitting a project proposal to be included in the 2022 ESI Budgets, available until May 23. Later, in phase 3 of evaluation of proposals Those that are considered viable and likely to be incorporated into the Budget will be selected, moving in phase 4 to choose the proposal (or proposals) that would be incorporated into the Budget through a voting process.

We encourage you to participate with a proposal and to share this initiative with your closest colleagues.

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