HomeTeachingVirtual Day of Telecommunications and Information Society 2021

Virtual Day of Telecommunications and Information Society 2021

Virtual Day of Telecommunications and Information Society 2021

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 – From 18:00 p.m. to 19:15 p.m.

On Wednesday, June 9, it will be broadcast openly, through the Channel of the Ministry of Sustainable Development of JCCM, the content of the Virtual Day of Telecommunications and Information Society 2021. This conference will be coordinated by D. Alipio Garcia Rodriguez (General Director of Territorial Cohesion of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha) and will consist of the following interventions:

18:00 p.m. Opening of the act by Mr. José Luis Escudero Palomo
Counselor for Sustainable Development of the Castilla-La Mancha Community Board

18:05 p.m. Intervention by Mr. Juan Carlos López
Delegate Dean of the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers in Castilla-La Mancha and Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha

18:10 p.m. Lecture by D. Jacinto Arias
Founder and CEO of Taidy.
How to train your algorithm

18:25 p.m. Lecture by Ms. Esther Álvarez
President of the In-Nova Castilla-La Mancha Foundation and President of the Board of Mollitiam Industries.
Quarantine social networks, ICT response to the challenge of COVID 19

18:40 p.m. Presentation by D. Israel Serrano
CEO and Founder StelvioTech UG and CTO of Vottun the Blockchain Startup
The case of recess sandwiches and how blockchain helps solve it

18:55 p.m. Presentation by Ms. Leticia Martínez Cano
Assistant Professor Doctor at the Rey Juan Carlos University and collaborator of the GAMMA group of the Polytechnic School of Cuenca (UCLM).
Objective: Broadband Internet access anywhere on the planet

19:10 p.m. Closing by Mr. César Sánchez Meléndez
Vice-rector for Culture, Sports and Social Responsibility of the University of Castilla-La Mancha

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