HomeTeachingIndra Chair Awards for best TFG and best TFM 17/18

Indra Chair Awards for best TFG and best TFM 17/18

Indra Chair Awards for best TFG and best TFM 17/18

Submission of applications until October 11

One more year, the Indra Chair Awards for the Best Final Degree Project and Best Final Master's Project of the Higher School of Informatics are announced.

All ESI students who have completed their career, either a Degree in Computer Engineering or a Master's in Computer Engineering during the 2017-18 academic year and who, therefore, have defended their Final Degree Project or Final Master's Project in any of the calls of the aforementioned academic year. The note of said work must have been at least Outstanding.

The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday. 11 de Octubre.

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