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Second days of Conferences of the ESI 2014/15 on March 18 from 9:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. in the Assembly Hall


9:00 Mr. Arturo Peralta, Computer Engineer, MBA from UCLM, Official Master's Degree in Advanced Computer Technologies from UCLM. Technical Director at DocPath.

Presentation Title: “What is Big Data?”

9:45 Ms. Nieves Brisaboa, University Professor in the area of ​​Computer Languages ​​and Systems at the University of Coruña where she created in 1996 and has directed since then the Database Laboratory (LBD) declared a research group of excellence by the Xunta de Galicia

Presentation Title: "Data Compression: Another Strategy for Big Data"

10:30 Rest

11:00 D. Javier Ramírez, Founder of, where you can analyze everything that happens in your application using Big Data and of, where work teams can collaborate online. He defines himself as a web developer, a dreamer and in general a happy person J

Presentation Title: “Big Data Analytics with Logstash, Redis and Google BigQuery”

11:45 Mr. Ismael Navas, Doctor from the University of Malaga with training in Computer Engineering and Masters in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and Cellular and Molecular Biology, currently Hired Professor Doctor at the University of Malaga.

Presentation Title: “Sentiment Analysis using Big Data Technology”

12:30 Round Table (Question time from the audience and from the speakers themselves)

13:30 Closing of the Conference Days of the ESI-Second Semester

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