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Last Week Posts

50 estudiantes preuniversitarios del programa Erasmus+ visitaron en el día de hoy la Escuela Superior de Informática (ESI), en una actividad de intercambio

In the III edition of the Castilla-La Mancha Research and Innovation Awards, which will be held on May 6 in

La cadena SER inicia una interesantísima iniciativa titulada «Laboratorios de Conversación», unos foros de debate sobre temas de actualidad, en los que participarán

Computer Engineering in the academic year 2024-2025 Are you considering studying the degree in Computer Engineering for the academic year 2023-2024?, the School of Computer Science

Do you love reading and have doubts about your next choice?, Jesús Fontecha, Professor at the Higher School of Informatics and member of the group

We congratulate our teacher, Eusebio Ángulo, and the entire UCLM women's handball team, for the recent bronze achieved in the

As part of the ESI Budget for the year 2024, we propose a procedure for the election through participatory democracy of a project of interest