HomePosts Tagged "Companies"



The fundamental objective of the FORTE is to allow students who are close to the end of the degree and who, ideally, only have a short way to finish

On May 23, 2022, the Higher School of Computer Science attended the Cycle of Business Meetings - Ciudad Real Emprende, in particular the breakfast on Robotics and

Iñaki Arriaga, a former student at the Escuela Superior de Informática, and Co-founder of Acumbamail, tells us about it. I studied at the Higher School of Informatics for five

Dear students, we have enabled a survey to know your preferences in order to properly organize the XVI call for FORTE projects for internships in companies + TFG

October 27, 2021 The V Conference on Companies is part of the week of Santa Tecla, from October 26 to 28, with the objective of strengthening the relationship

IT Department The IT Department of the Banco de España offers 2 IT Technician positions through an internship contract, level 14 of the Management Group for the department

22 companies will visit the ESI to interact with our students on October 21 within Santa Tecla 2019. The objective of this business day is to promote

Zennio and Omnitechit will be this Friday the 9th, at the ESI, starting at 9:30 a.m. Conferences with companies: Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 14:00 p.m. Day: November 9, 2018 Place: Hall of