
Elective enrollment

  • Should the student notify the school of the electives chosen BEFORE formalizing their enrolment?

Yes. Prior to the registration period, the information regarding the choice of electives will be published on the ESI website (there will be an informative meeting to resolve doubts in this regard). The student must apply for electives by completing the form that will be published, following the instructions provided by the School Management.

  • Can the student modify his choice of electives?

Yes. Once the form is completed and sent, the applications will be reviewed by the center, a provisional list will be published and a claim period will be opened. If the claim is favorable to the student, the new electives in which he will be included will be indicated in order to enroll.

From the administrative services of the ESI, the students' DNI will be mechanized and they will only be able to enroll in the electives that have been assigned to them. Except for an error in the allocation, it is important to bear in mind that the modification can only be made according to the criteria established by the Directorate, that is, that there are places in the elective and by academic record in the event that different students attend the same elective.

  • Should the student notify the school of any changes to the electives in which they want to enroll?

Yes. You must communicate it in order to check the availability of places and, if so, include the student in the subject so that they can enroll it. The request will be made through this form.

  • How long can you do it?

During the claim period, preferably. However, it is possible to modify the optional subjects enrolled during the official enrollment periods of the first and second semester. If they are electives from the first semester, within the initial enrollment period, if they are subjects from the second semester, the term will be the one stipulated for modifications or extensions of enrollment. It will always be done through the self-registration application.

  • If you change your choice and want to enroll in a subject where there are no more places, will you be denied access, even if your academic record is better?

Yes. Keep in mind that a change from one elective to another outside the general election period will imply that the student renounces an elective already assigned to enroll in another and it is not possible to penalize other students who were assigned an elective. elective subject following the competitive assignment process by academic grade due to an unforeseen change of another student. Until now, if a student wanted to modify his choice of electives and all the places have already been assigned, he was told which electives had vacancies so that he could decide if he was interested in the change.

Enrollment of intensifications

  • Should the student notify the school of the intensification chosen BEFORE formalizing their enrollment?

Yes. The intensification election process, like the electives, will be published on the ESI website before registration begins. Likewise, a prior information meeting will be held to clarify doubts regarding the intensification election process.

The student will only be able to enroll in the subjects of the intensification that has been assigned to him, in case of not doing so, at the beginning of September it will be reviewed and he will be informed that he must modify his enrollment.

  • Is it necessary to enroll in all intensification subjects?

For the student to complete the Specific Technology module, they must enroll and pass the 8 subjects of the intensification they have selected. Although these subjects are optional subjects (for ANECA), they are actually mandatory subjects within the specialization. This does not imply that the student can decide the course in which he or she wants to enroll in those subjects, which will depend on the load and situation of each student. What is really important is that they must pass the 8 subjects of the selected intensification.

  • If the student does not enroll in any of the intensification subjects assigned to him/her, would he/she have to request it again for the next course?

Students choose intensification at the end of the 2nd year, and before the registration period. Intensification subjects are taken during the second semester of 3rd year and first semester of 4th year. The student can enroll 0, 1, 2 or up to 4 intensification subjects in the corresponding semester. The student is, therefore, not required to enroll in all subjects in the course in which they select intensification.

  • I have been assigned the intensification but I have not enrolled in any subject. Do I have to request the intensification again next year?

A student who is assigned an intensification maintains that intensification for the following course(s) as necessary until completing the 8 subjects without having to request the intensification assignment again. The intensification election process is a competitive process strictly by docket grade. Once the student is assigned an intensification, it will be maintained for the rest of the years to prevent the student from having to “compete” again.

  • Can you change the intensity if you don't like the one you have?

Yes, but with certain conditions. The first is that the student must request intensification again as if he were requesting intensification for the first time, and therefore, opt for the desired intensification with his record grade. The second is that the credits passed from the intensification that are abandoned cannot be validated as elective credits. Therefore, the student would have to take and pass the 8 subjects of the new intensification.

Internships at Companies

  • What is the Practice Management application?

UCLM – Internships and Employment

  • Are the internships registered like any other subject? until september and february period?

Yes, if curricular internships are going to be carried out, the student must enroll in the company internship subject (code 42399) either group 20 if the internship is carried out in the first semester, or group 21 if they are in the second.

During the period foreseen for modification or extension of registration, the student will be able to add the subject of internships in a company for the second semester. Another option provided is for the student to modify the registration and change two electives that have been assigned to him for the second semester, for the subject of internships in a company (12 ECTS credits).

  • What are the requirements to be able to do an internship?

In the company application, within the student profile, all the information related to the registration process and requirements to be able to carry it out appears. These are the following:

  1. Being a UCLM student
  2. Official bachelor's and master's degree students may enroll in this internship application.
  3. Have 50% of the credits in the case of undergraduate studies
  4. Be registered in the curricular database
  • Curricular and extracurricular internships and recognition for professional experience, what are the differences?

The curricular practices are configured as academic activities that are part of the Study Plan in question. The student, once the practice is finished, will present the necessary documentation for the recognition of the subject in its file. To do so, he must be enrolled in the company internship course.

If the student is going to carry out curricular internships during the summer, it is advisable to enroll in the company internship subject for the following year (the closing of the minutes of the extraordinary call is in the month of July and many of the offers for the summer, end in August or even early September). In these cases, the student would enroll the internship subject in group 20 and they would be recognized at the closing of the minutes of the special call for completion (December) or ordinary (February)

Extracurricular internships are those that students may carry out on a voluntary basis during their training period and that, although they have the same purposes as curricular internships, are not part of the corresponding Study Plan. However, they will be considered in the European Diploma Supplement as determined by current regulations.

Recognition for professional experience: students who can prove at least three months of work experience must request it through for the Virtual Secretariat. The first period of applications will open for the beginning of the registration and the second usually coincides with the period of modification, extension of registration. They must attach the documentation indicated at the beginning of the process:

  1. Certificate of working life issued by Social Security.
  2. Certificate from the company or companies in which the activity eligible for recognition has been carried out in which the Director of Human Resources or a person holding a position of similar responsibility certifies the functions performed by the worker. In the case of self-employed workers, it will not be necessary to provide said document, although the Credit Recognition and Transfer Commission of the Center may require the additional documentation it deems appropriate.
  3. Report made by the student in which he explains the tasks carried out in the different positions he has held and in which, in his opinion, they have allowed him to obtain some of the skills inherent to the degree in which he wishes to obtain academic recognition.
Note: The subjects for which you request recognition will be processed as registered and recognized. When your application is resolved, the enrollment will be modified to cancel the subjects for which you have expressly requested not to be enrolled. Subjects will not be canceled if the minimum enrollment requirement for the course you are studying is not met.

TFG enrollment

All the information related to the TFG is published on the website of the ESI.

  • When can a student of a TFG enroll?

The TFG can be enrolled until the first week of June of the current academic year. Logically, if the student is going to defend the TFG in the special or ordinary call, she must enroll it before the dates scheduled for that defense. The registration deadline only makes sense if the defense of the TFG is going to be in July or September.

The student is recommended, however, not to enroll in the TFG until he is sure that he will defend it in the next call.

  • How many calls does the TFG enrollment give access to?

The student can defend his TFG in any of the calls provided in the academic calendar of the ESI. If the student appears in one of the ordinary calls and does not pass the TFG, she may appear in the extraordinary call again (September).

  • What should I do to propose a TFG?

The entire process related to the TFG is managed through the Application for the management of the End of Studies Projects at the UCLM (TFE) – so it is recommended that both students and tutors become familiar with it through its use and the user manuals it incorporates. The TFG proposal will be made through this form.

  • What should I do to cancel a TFG whose proposal has been approved by the Commission?

The student must request in writing or by email, addressed to the president of the Commission, the intention to cancel the assigned TFG. The document must be signed by both the student and the academic tutor/s.

  • What should I do to modify a TFG (title, contents, etc.) whose proposal has been approved by the Commission?

The student must request in writing or by email, addressed to the president of the Commission, the changes that they want to make in the assigned TFG. The document must be signed by both the student and the academic tutor/s.

Evaluation for curricular compensation

  • What subjects can be evaluated by curricular compensation?

Compulsory or core subjects. The new permanence regulations that will enter into force, foreseeably, the 2022/2023 academic year also considers the optional intensification subjects.

  • What are the requirements to request an evaluation for curricular compensation?

Curricular compensation can be requested if all the following conditions are met (Art. 24 of the Student Regulations):

Have completed at least fifty percent of the course load at the University of Castilla-La Mancha.

That at the time of requesting the evaluation they are missing a subject to finish the studies of the corresponding degree, with the exception of the final degree project.

That a minimum of two calls have been examined in the subject for which they request evaluation for compensation. These calls will be made in different academic years at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, with the exception of the subjects of the last year.

That they are enrolled in the subject and qualified in the call for which they request compensation with a grade other than zero.

  • When and how can I request it?

The student who meets the requirements to be evaluated for compensation will direct his request to the dean or director of the center, within ten business days following the end of the deadline for delivery of the minutes of the official call in which the compensation is requested. curriculum. The closing dates of the minutes are published on the ESI website. The request will be made through this form.

  • What regulations apply?

Student Evaluation Regulation

Regulations of Progress and Permanence in the studies of Degree and Master of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (in public exhibition).

Distribution of students in class groups

  • How are students distributed in class groups?

Class groups are approved by the Center Board each academic year. Each group is identified with a letter: A, B, C or D and with an identifier: 20, 21, 22, 23, respectively. Students are distributed in class groups based on the first letter of their first surname. For example: 1st B (group 21) students with the first surname between A and F. Given that the distribution by surnames could vary in different academic years, the timetables will specify which group the student will belong to based on their first surname. Group A (20) is always reserved for students enrolled in the bilingual modality, regardless of their last name.

  • How are the class groups in the 2023-2024 academic year?

Class groups during the 2023-2024 academic year are distributed as indicated in this file: Distribution of groups 2023-2024

official group change

  • What causes are justified to request the official change of group?

Students who have a problem of overlapping schedules (because they have subjects from different courses), may request a change of group. Also those who, by reasoned justification (employment contract, means of transport schedules...), must be in another group different from the one that corresponds to them in the registration.

  • When and how can the official change of group be requested?

At the beginning of classes, through this form.

Recognition of B1 level of foreign language

  • How can I obtain B1 level recognition in a foreign language?

In order to apply for the degree, the student must have recognized the B1 level of a foreign language. In our University you can accredit it in the following ways:

  1. Level test
  2. Study and pass, at least, 12 credits of subjects of the degree taught in the same foreign language
  3. Take and pass at least 12 credits of the same foreign language taught in the degree completed
  4. For passing at least 12 credits in subjects taken within the framework of an international program in a country with a language other than Spanish
  5. Request the completion and defense of the Final Degree Project or, where appropriate, the Master's Degree, in another language
  6. Accreditation of Courses and Certifications comparable to B1 (learn English at your B1 campus, official language school, University of Cambridge...)
  • When can recognition be requested?

You can attach the accreditation document at the time of formalizing the registration.

  • ¿Where can i get more information?

Frequently asked questions about access to the University (UGAC)