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Software EngineeringEtiquette


Félix García, Óscar Pedreira and Mario Piattini Félix García, Óscar Pedreira and Mario Piattini, from the Alarcos Group of the ESI, are the authors of a new book: GAMIFICATION and its application to Engineering

The selected person(s) will be part of the EST telescope engineering team. Those who are not selected, but obtain the minimum score, will be placed on a job list

Presenting the work Modeling Quantum Circuits with UML Ricardo Pérez del Castillo, Luis Jiménez Navajas and Mario Piattini have presented the article Modeling Quantum Circuits with UML in the Q-SE (Quantum Software Engineering) workshop of

The ESI has hosted this prestigious meeting made up of several international events The Higher School of Computer Science (ESI) of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in Ciudad Real