HomePosts Tagged "Conference"



On Thursday, March 10, Professor Juan Carlos López López will participate in a conference on #5G, organized by the @Acelerapyme office of @fedetoempresas, in which he will speak

On November 29 at 10 am, in the auditorium, the conference "The 10 Glitch of your Curriculum. Detect, reformulate and position your CV" will take place.

By Unai Elordi On November 25 at 17.30:74304 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Higher School of Computing in Ciudad Real. Required registration: Facial recognition is a

Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas On Monday, November 22, at 12 noon, in the Auditorium of the Higher School of Informatics, Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas, guest professor

Presenting the work Modeling Quantum Circuits with UML Ricardo Pérez del Castillo, Luis Jiménez Navajas and Mario Piattini have presented the article Modeling Quantum Circuits with UML in the Q-SE (Quantum Software Engineering) workshop of

4th edition of the International Conference on Technical Debt Mario Piattini has collaborated in a research carried out by Yania Crespo and Arturo Gonzalez-Escribano from the University of Valladolid