Juan José Escribano Otero

My personal development has turned me into a versatile and tenacious professional, capable of combining the design and planning of projects (thanks to my university knowledge of mathematics and computer engineering), the coordination of teams of people (put into practice in various positions management and direction detailed in this curriculum) and the orientation towards excellence and university service (supported by various awards for quality, innovation and teaching work).  

Doctor in CS of Computing (University of Alcalá) and graduate in CS of Mathematics (Complutense University of Madrid). He has been a professor since 1993 in the Department of Sciences, Computing and Technology of the UEM, and a full professor since 2010 in the same department. He has taught various subjects in the areas of Computer Science, mathematics and subjects related to soft skills in engineering environments. Professor since 2022 at the Higher Polytechnic School of the Francisco de Vitoria University of the subjects Automata (for Mathematics Engineering) and Projects I (for Computer Engineering). 

Winner of the Award for the best teaching work at the UEM in 2009 and “best professor at the Polytechnic School” in the same year. In three editions, he has been a member of the winning team of the European University quality award, the last of them in 2020 with the work to prepare a map of company-university collaborations. Winner equally of the 2022 teaching quality and innovation award, awarded by AENUI (Association of University Computer Science Teachers). 

External advisor and trainer for various universities (Spanish and Latin American) on aspects related to teaching, innovation and academic management. It is worth highlighting the participation as an external advisor and team coordinator in the universities UTEC (development of curricular frameworks based on competencies of various degrees) and UNJFSC (Updating its academic model to hybrid environments), both in Peru, in addition to the Spanish ESNE and UDIT as expert and coordinator of the team for the writing and presentation of several university degree titles (two for ESNE and one for UDIT) and university master's degrees (for UDIT). In addition, he was a member of the steering committee of the “I conference for the preparation of computer science degrees in the EHEA” (Alcalá de Henares, 2009) and responsible for the internal team for the accreditation of all ICT degrees (undergraduate and postgraduate). of EMU during the period from 2013 to 2017.   

He has held several academic management positions: responsible for quality of the department, responsible for technological innovation at the UEM, director of the department, academic director of the School of Architecture, Engineering and Design, deputy director of Degrees, and deputy director of Digital Technologies at the same School. Founder and head of the PBS office (Project Based School, 2017-2019), founder of the TechFactory laboratory (2019). 

Co-founder of the research group MATICES (Methods of Application of Information Technologies Against Social Exclusion). He has directed and participated in research projects in areas such as technology and innovation in teaching, accessibility and inclusivity. 

Member of AENUI since 2001, an association of which he was coordinator from 2009 to 2013. Member of the scientific committee (reviewer) of JENUI (University Computer Science Education Conference) since 2003, Conference of which he was president of the organizing committee in 2005 and president of the program committee in 2014. Coordinator of the steering committee of SIENUI (Research Symposium on University Teaching of Computer Science) in its first edition (2021) and the second to be held in 2023 at the University of Alicante. Editor of the indexed journal JOTSE (Journal of Technology and Science Education) since 2018.  

Co-director of the “Inclusive Artificial Intelligence” (IAI) area at OdiseIA (Observatory of the social and ethical impact of artificial intelligence) since 2020 and director of the Strategic Alliances area at the same observatory since 2021. 

Academic Manager of the Xtart Vocational Training project since 2022. 

Co-author of the book #arteconfinado (poems and photographs) written and published during the 2020 pandemic and of the collection of poems “Multiverse” (2022). Author of numerous articles in magazines and books, lecturer and disseminator on all the topics discussed in this review.