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What do they say about the Professional Mentor?

What do our mentors and mentees say?

In this first edition of the Professional Mentor Program, 22 pairs of mentors and mentees were trained.

The results of the surveys carried out by mentors and mentees have been very satisfactory: 92,85% and 100% of mentors and mentees, respectively, consider themselves "Satisfied/Quite Satisfied/Very Satisfied" with the PMP.

This is what mentors and mentees say about the Program:


  • “I have had the pleasure of being able to participate this year in the Mentor Program of the Escuela Superior de Informática, and thus be able to guide some students with all the doubts they may have before going out into the world of work. The way in which I approached the task of mentoring was to think what I would say to myself in 2007 when I was in a similar situation, facing the same fears and doubts. I, like many of my colleagues from that time, were not lucky enough to have our future self to advise us, however, what I have tried as a mentor is to convey that fears and doubts of the unknown are actually a path full of opportunities not to be missed!”


  • “The professional mentor program has managed to exceed my expectations! The experience of being able to talk to a person who a few years ago was in the same situation as me, has helped me to put my ideas into perspective and to be able to understand how the labor market really works. After talking with my mentor about the different Soft-Skills, he explained to me the importance they had and so I was able to focus on those that were less developed. The experience has been 10/10, the only thing I can think of is that to improve it, more specific guides were prepared for the sessions. However, despite not having had a guide, the mere fact of being able to speak and resolve the doubts that arise for students who are about to finish, has made me improve as a professional.”
  • “I have no negative aspect to highlight. My experience has been very good, my mentor is dedicated to the field that interests me and has traveled a large part of the path that I plan to follow. So we have been able to talk for a long time about the next steps.”

The ESI thanks you mentors and mentees for your comments