HomeGeneral130 pre-university students visit the ESI

130 pre-university students visit the ESI

Two ESI students at the Techlab

130 pre-university students visit the ESI

To date, A total of 130 pre-university students have already visited the Higher School of Informatics in 2024, of which a significant percentage is expected to become new students of the School in the 2024-2025 academic year. During the visits, groups from various HEIs in Castilla-La Mancha have the opportunity to learn about some of the possibilities that Computer Engineering currently offers and its expected role in the near future. Also, on a tour of the laboratories you have the opportunity to learn about some of the work carried out by our research groups and test some of the latest generation technologies.

While waiting for two more scheduled visit days, twenty-two IES have visited the ESI: IES San Juan Bautista de la Concepción (Almodóvar), IES Ribera del Bullaque (Porzuna), CC Salesianos Puertollano (Puertollano), IES Atenea (Ciudad Real) , IES Torreón del Alcázar (Ciudad Real), IES Hernán Pérez del Pulgar (Ciudad Real), IES Juan D'Opazo (Daimiel), IES Maestre de Calatrava (Ciudad Real), IES Marmaria (Membrilla), IES Valdehierro (Madridejos), IES Gregorio Prieto (Valdepeñas), IES Peñalba (Moral de Calatrava), IES María Zambrano (Alcazar de San Juan), IES Fray Andrés (Puertollano), IES Francisco Nieva (Valdepeñas), IES Máximo Laguna (Santa Cruz de Mudela), IES Guadalersas (Los Yébenes), IES Clara Campoamor (La Solana), IES Galileo Galilei (Puertollano), IES Comendador Juan de Távora (Puertollano), IES Maestro Juan de Ávila (Ciudad Real), IES Eduardo Valencia (Calzada de Calatrava).

The cycle of visits will be completed with the open day for all families scheduled for April 14.

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