HomeCulture and DisseminationDetoX for mobiles, tablets and consoles

DetoX for mobiles, tablets and consoles

Mobile absorbing the brain of a person

DetoX for mobiles, tablets and consoles

Degree: DetoX for mobiles, tablets and consoles, a practical guide for fathers and mothers. Fighting screen addiction and how to reconnect with the real world [Full Recording]

Addiction to screens in childhood and adolescence has become a highly relevant problem in recent years. Both the toxic cultural content consumed through these devices, as well as the strategies used by large software companies, cause serious behavioral problems. Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable public, who can quickly become "technological zombies".

In this talk, fathers and mothers will receive a series of tips and recommendations to recognize the dark side of screens, the symptoms of addiction to screens, setting limits and how to monitor the use (and abuse) of technology. Relevant scientific and statistical evidence will be shown, focusing on the critical analysis of the use of technology in both educational and daily activities, as well as its relationship with the physical and mental health of children and adolescents.

In the last part of the talk, a practical guide will be provided with control and supervision tools to deal with the symptoms, as well as solutions to achieve a healthy environment at home. In short, how to unplug the screen to connect with the family.

Place and time
April 18, Higher School of Informatics, Alan Turing Assembly Hall at 17:4 p.m. Paseo de la Universidad, XNUMX (Ciudad Real). Free admission.

Carlos González Morcillo is a University Professor at the UCLM Higher School of Informatics and its Academic Director. He does his research in the AIR group in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics. He is a regular speaker at educational innovation forums, giving a multitude of conferences on the use of technology in the teaching and educational field.

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