HomeAlumniVideo | APHOLO Mixed Reality platform

Video | APHOLO Mixed Reality platform

Apholo project carried out by Rubén Moraleda at the ESI UCLM

Video | APHOLO Mixed Reality platform

APHOLO project awarded at the II Turing Machine Awards at the Escuela Superior de Informática, carried out by Rubén Moraleda Sánchez and directed by Carlos González Morcillo and Francisco Manuel García Sánchez-Belmonte.


Mixed reality emerges as a turning point between the development of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality applications. In mixed reality, objects, the environment, and data from heterogeneous sensors are superimposed on the image of the real world with the ability to interact with each other. In the industrial field, mixed reality as a technical innovation has allowed the development of novel applications. However, the implementation and productivity rates are much more modest than in other fields where mixed reality has been implemented at great speed (entertainment, medicine, education). That is why the margin for improvement for this sector is much greater and possible innovations will have a very high impact. Apholo emerges as a solution to the problem of the significant effort required by the design, development and maintenance of mixed reality applications for the adaptation of existing applications in the industrial sector.

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