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The EvAU arrives and then what?

Students taking the EVAU exam

The EvAU arrives and then what?

In the next few days (June 8, 9 and 10) the evaluation tests for university access (EvAU) will be held and nerves are running high. Statistics say that around 94% of students pass the tests and then, almost immediately, they must answer two very important questions that will mark their professional lives: what to study and where to do it.

Like every year, many of these students will have as their first option the Degree in Computer Engineering and there are also others, those who live with doubt until the last moment, who shuffle it among their options. Studying Computer Engineering is a sure bet for a stable future full of exciting challenges. Computer Engineering is a profession that plays a fundamental role in the present, in a world where digitization processes have intensified, and has a great projection for the future. It is a profession that coexists and improves the rest; What profession does not use computer technologies and processes to obtain greater performance or solve various problems? Being a computer engineer allows you to immerse yourself in many other areas of knowledge that you are passionate about.

students in the classroom

Recently, the CYD Foundation, which analyzes and promotes the contribution of universities to the economic and social development of Spain, has published a report on the employability of young people in Spain where it reflects how is the insertion of university graduates. The report aims to analyze the employment situation according to the employment rate, unemployment rate, type of work day, professional situation, the occupation they perform, location, level of training, area of ​​study and salary. net monthly received. This report reflects the good health of the computing profession with the best employment rate (96,3%), the lowest unemployment rate (only 2,3%), the first position among the most stable professions (91,3 %), and the first in salary compensation (79,7% > €1.500 net).

On the other hand, deciding what to study is of vital importance, but so is deciding where to do it. A suitable place to train as a Computer Engineer is the Higher School of Computer Science of Ciudad Real (ESI). The ESI is one of the few centers nationwide that has been awarded the Euro-Inf stamp, an international certification of excellence that demonstrates the quality of teaching, infrastructure and services. And this is how the more than 700 students who make up the School have considered it, of which around 160 are new entrants each year. Students distributed between Degree in Spanish, Bilingual Degree, Master and Doctorate. As a revealing fact, it should be noted that different studies carried out by the UCLM Employment Information and Promotion Center (CIPE) show that our graduates take less than two months to find work, many of them even sign their first contract while they are in their last academic years (FORTE program).

Facade of the Higher School of Computing of Ciudad Real
Higher School of Computer Science of Ciudad Real (University of Castilla-La Mancha)

Choosing the ESI is choosing passion, talent, creativity, job stability, being prepared for the changes that are taking place and being part of that change, of decision-making that will change the world in the coming years.  

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