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Student clubs

Student clubs

The School of Computer Science in collaboration with student delegation, we promote the student clubs (board games, chess and audiovisual). If you are a student of UCLM and you are passionate about video games, movies, series or animation, we would love for you to join our audiovisual club to enjoy the best multimedia content. You can make it through through this registration form.

At the same time, if you are passionate about card games, fantasy, RPG and chess, you can join our board game club. To register, leave your information in use this form.

Student delegation:

“From the Delegation of Informatica Students (DAI) we have launched two clubs that work in parallel, the Audiovisual Club and the Board Games Club. Mostly we are a group of college friends who get together to watch movies, play chess, organize tournaments and dust off the board games in the storage room. The clubs are open to everyone, whether you are a science, arts, letters or humanities student, we have no problem getting as many people as you want to participate. It is important to emphasize that the meetings will be held at the ESI facilities.

As we have already mentioned, the two clubs work in unison, since we are almost the same people, but they are not the same, we have separated them so that the most purists of chess and monopoly are not reading through the WhatsApp group if we have enough controllers to play four in the smash bros. In the end we had a great time together, it doesn't cost money and we are delighted that more people join, we welcome anyone with open arms 🙂 ”

We will wait for you!

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