Bachelor Thesis

Students discussing ideas


Regulations, Guide and Enrollment

The Center Board of the Ciudad Real Higher School of Informatics approved the Regulations for Final Degree Projects (TFG) at its meeting on March 1, 2019. This page contains all the information necessary to correctly carry out the entire procedure for choosing, assigning, developing and defending the TFG in the Degree in Computer Engineering.


Documentation of interest

Other resources

Any questions regarding the TFG or the information contained on this page should be sent by email to secretary or president ​of the ESI TFG commission.

Matriculation year

Those students who must enroll in the TFG will have to do so within the official deadlines determined by the UCLM for each academic year. Exceptionally, in the current academic year, You will be able to register until the month of June., taking into account that if when they register there is only one defense call left, they will not be able to make any claim. However, it is advisable that you contact the Academic Management Unit of the Ciudad Real campus (UGAC), you can do so through the student mailbox, and consult the different possibilities before registering. The student does not have to be registered to be able to present the preliminary project or to participate in the process of assigning Final Degree Projects.


TFG proposals 2023-2024

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